Livingston Elementary School- Rm. 44
Fall Semester 2023
3rd Grade English/Language Arts- Worth210
Instructor: Ramona Worth
Phone Number: (404)- 408-3779
Email Address: worth.ramona@newton.k12.ga.us
Message me on Canvas
Website: https://les.newtoncountyschools.org/
Office Hours: 10:30am- 1:30pm M-TH
This course is a 12-week online course
Student Textbook: Spectrum Language Arts Grade 3
Canvas Access: canvas.mercer.edu
Zoom: Meeting ID: 253 520 1052
Mission Statement:
Our mission is to provide educational excellence for all students. All students will be well-rounded and prepared for the future.
Course Description:
The language arts and reading curriculum for grade three reinforces students' foundational language arts and reading abilities by exposing them to a wide range of texts and writing styles. The course aids students in strengthening their understanding of standard English language and use as well as capitalization, punctuation, spelling, and other writing and speaking rules. Additionally, it aids in the development of the pupils' hearing and vocabulary.
Purpose of ELA in 3rd Grade:
This English/Language Arts curriculum for third grade should teach your child how to:
- Describe characters, identify the main idea and use supporting details.
- Use context clues to understand what a word means.
- Read and understand a variety of genres such as fiction, non-fiction, poetry, fables, etc.
- Use proper punctuation, capitalization, and noun and verb forms (singular/plural)
- Understand parts of speech, prefixes, suffixes, homophones, etc.
- Know the different sentence types
- The writing process: planning, drafting, revising, editing, publishing
- Write longer text in chronological order using transition words
- Write different types of text: opinion, informative, narrative, etc.
The Code of Ethics for Educators:
The Code of Ethics for Educators defines the professional behavior of educators in Georgia and serves as a guide to ethical conduct. The Georgia Professional Standards Commission (GaPSC) has adopted standards that represent the conduct generally accepted by the education profession. The code defines unethical conduct justifying disciplinary sanction and provides guidance for protecting the health, safety and general welfare of students and educators, and assuring the citizens of Georgia a degree of accountability within the education profession.
The Code of Ethics for Educators, Georgia Professional Standards Commission (2023)
Regular attendance is essential for academic success. Students should be ready to learn every day. Students are expected to be logged in 5 minutes before class starts. If students come to the classroom after it has begun, they will be marked tardy. More than 3 tardies will result in a possible removal from the class.
When students are absent, Livingston Elementary follows the state guidelines for attendance records. In order for a student’s absence to be considered “excused,” a parent note and/or doctor note must be turned in to me the day after their absence and their absence must meet one of the following criteria:
- Illness/Injury
- Medical/Dental Appointment
- Death in the Immediate Family
Methods of Instruction:
This class will use a high tech approach to learning by utilizing different technology to aid students. Some of those aids include (but are not limited to): Google Workspace (Google Docs, OneDrive), tablets/laptops, gamification, education-focused social media platforms, Zoom conferences/screen sharing and technology accessibility for students with disabilities.
Class Schedule & Lessons:
1st -4 weeks- 8am-9:30am- Language Skills, Parts of Speech
2nd -4 weeks- 8am-9:30am- Reading Comprehension, Spelling
3rd -4 weeks- 8am-9:30am- Writing (Narrative, Informative, Opinion)
We will be using Canvas for our Learning Management System (LMS). All assignments must be submitted through Canvas unless notified by the teacher. Make sure to login and read all assignment materials. You will find all of your worksheets, assignments, and discussions on the left side of your Canvas screen, as links.
Assignment Policy & Schedule:
Students will be expected to complete individual assignments during class/Zoom meetings. They will be given ample time to complete these assignments. Any student who does not complete an assignment during the time given may be given additional time later that day and the assignment will be due by 11:59pm, that night.
If your child is absent, they will be given the opportunity to make up missed assignments. Graded assignments will be posted in your child’s “Grades” section within this course. Please be sure to review your child’s graded work, and feel free to send a Canvas message or email with any questions you may have regarding your child’s assignment grade.
Students will be given 1 assignment per week to complete. These assignments can be found in the "ASSIGNMENTS" or "MODULES" sections under the matching week.
Homework and Grading:
Homework will be assigned weekly as needed to reinforce/practice skills taught in class. You should expect your child to have homework assignments in spelling, vocabulary, and reading at least twice per week.
Homework will be checked as a participation grade for each subject during the 12 weeks. Students begin the twelve week course with a homework grade of 100. Each time students have an incomplete, yet attempted assignment, students will lose 1 point, and for no homework 2 points will be deducted.
Parents will be notified on Canvas as to what subject assignment was incomplete or missing.
In class, we will review homework assignments and discuss strategies used on homework to expand our knowledge on the skill/topic. Students are expected to “actively check” their homework, making corrections as needed.
Grading Scale: A 90-100, B- 80-89, C- 70-79, D- 60-69, F- 59 or below
There will be 7 quizzes during the semester. These will be administered every other week, but quiz dates are subject to change.
Please let me know if you have any concerns or questions!