Course Syllabus
Welcome to Counseling (COUN) 645:
Crisis, Trauma, and Grief Counseling, Summer 2023
Click here to download the Syllabus LBayonne_Summer 2023_COUN645_Syllabus W (1)-2.pdf
Greetings everyone!
My name is Dr. Latessa Bayonne and I am excited to serve as your instructor for this course. This is an intensive and interactive eight-week summer Blended/Hybrid course, meaning we will meet on-campus, online, and offer a blend of the two environments. This is not a self-paced course. All students will progress through the instruction together; however, there will be many opportunities for you to work ahead on some of the requirements.
As your instructor, I value your class interactions with your peers and your interactions with me as well. The best way to contact me is via the Inbox function in Canvas. You can access this function by clicking on Inbox in the orange panel to your left of the screen. Sending a message through Canvas generates an automatic conversation. This way, your message will not be lost in my email. This is the best way to reach me since these messages will be prioritized. If you would like to make an appointment with me, via Zoom, you can send a message to my Inbox to request that as well.
To prepare for the first class on Wednesday and this class, in general, please:
- Purchase an updated copy of the APA 7th edition manual: this course will involve a lot of writing, research, and discussion questions.
- Download a copy of the Syllabus LBayonne_Summer 2023_COUN645_Syllabus W (1)-3.pdf and review it in its entirety.
- Read Chapters 1-3 (Jackson-Cherry, & Erford, 2018)
More than anything, this course is designed to equip you with the tools you will need to be successful in your chosen field. I look forward to meeting each of you and embarking on a wonderful semester!
Dr. Latessa Bayonne