Course Syllabus

Welcome to our Course, COUN645: Crisis, Trauma, and Grief Counseling!

Course Purpose:

This is an introductory course designed to acquaint graduate students with a broad view of the role of the practitioner in counseling within situations of crisis, trauma, and grief. This course is largely experiential in nature and will require students to assess their own experiences with trauma and grief. Students will recognize and apply various theories and methods of crisis intervention, trauma counseling, and grief counseling. (3 credit hours) 

Student Learning Outcomes:

By the end of the course, students will understand theories and methods of trauma counseling, crisis intervention, and grief counseling. Students will know the effects of crisis, disasters, and trauma on diverse individuals across the lifespan. Students will demonstrate risk assessment strategies and preventions models in the areas of danger to self and others.

**Due to the nature of this course material, students will need to be attentive to their own emotional and psychological reactions to this course content. If topics bring up experiences from your own life that feel unresolved or highly emotionally reactive, you are encouraged to seek support or counseling to process these experiences.

The following CACREP (2016) standards will be covered in this course:

CACREP Standards (2016)


counselors’ roles and responsibilities as members of interdisciplinary community outreach and emergency management response teams


Readings; exams; classroom discussion; paper

effects of crisis, disasters, and trauma on diverse individuals across the lifespan


Readings; classroom discussion; Group Project; exams; paper

suicide prevention models and strategies


Readings; exams; classroom discussion

crisis intervention, trauma-informed, and community-based strategies, such as Psychological First Aid


Readings; exams; classroom discussion; paper

procedures for assessing risk of aggression or danger to others, self-inflicted harm, or suicide


Readings; exams; classroom discussion; paper

procedures for identifying trauma and abuse and for reporting abuse


Readings; exams; classroom discussion

impact of crisis and trauma on individuals with mental health diagnoses


Readings; exams; classroom discussion; Group Project

Attendance Policy:

Please note that attendance is an element of the grading evaluation. Since this class focuses heavily on interaction and processing of information, class attendance and participation will affect your grade. Due to the shortened summer semester, one unexcused absence will result in the loss of one letter grade. 

NO LATE ASSIGNMENTS WILL BE ACCEPTED FOR CREDIT for unexcused absences and NO makeup work will be given. Again, to succeed in this course, please reach out to me if any unforeseen circumstances arise so that we can avoid unexcused absences.

Excused Absences

Students are to notify the instructor in advance or as soon as possible in the event of an excused absence. Upon returning to class, students must provide the instructor with documentation for the excused absence. Students will be required to turn in work and take tests on the day designated. Any deviations will be on a case-by-case basis at the discretion of the professor. Arrangements must be made with the professor in advance of the due date for consideration.

Tardiness/Leaving class early

This is a professional environment; as such, it is expected that everyone arrive on time. If you are consistently late for class I may ask to meet with you outside of class. Students may not leave class early unless it has been first cleared with the professor or in case of unavoidable circumstances, such as emergencies.

PLEASE NOTE Failure to abide by any of the policies could result in the student being referred for remediation. Please know that I try to be accessible and available. Do not hesitate to communicate with me if circumstances arise.

Review the following prior to getting started: 

1. Please download the following file. This document is a copy of the syllabus for the course. This document is an agreement between you and me so it is expected that you read it in its entirety. 

Updated 05.26.23 Summer 2023 COUN645 1W2 Online Syllabus.pdf

Summer 2023 COUN645 1W2 Online Syllabus.pdf

2. Information is provided in the syllabus for those students who may be in need of accommodations. 

3. The syllabus includes a list of deadlines for all assignments and readings. While these may be subject to change throughout the semester, students are expected to refer to the syllabus consistently throughout the semester.

Course Summary:

Date Details Due