All Courses

  • STUDENT Lockdown Browser & Monitor

    The course contains the Student LockDown Browser direct links to download and install the Lockdown Browser on your machine. The download link provided is unique to Mercer University and can be used by faculty or students: Be sure you view the Quick Start Guide and follow the instructions for installing the software and also for taking an assessment. Click the link below to select your platform. Download and Install Respondus Lockdown Browser w/Monitor (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site. QuickStartGuide-for Students.pdfPreview the documentView in a new window You can check your installation by Taking the Practice Quiz Introduction to LockDown Browser

  • Instructor ONLY Respondus and the Lockdown Browser

    STOP this is not the course you need to download as a student. Respondus is a Windows-based authoring tool that makes it easy to create and manage exams for Canvas. Instructors can download the Respondus software on to your computer. Retrieve the licensing information and have access to Respondus quick start guides and videos.

  • Online Writing Lab

    The Online Writing Lab (OWL) is staffed by professional tutors who will assist with student writing for Mercer University undergraduate courses and other general writing tasks submitted by Regional Academic Center and Atlanta campus students. Appointments are not required.

  • Online Math Lab

    The Online Math Lab is staffed by a professional tutor who will assist with Mercer University undergraduate math courses and general math questions submitted by Regional Academic Center and Atlanta campus students. Appointments are not required.

  • Student HIPAA Training

    The Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996 (HIPAA) was enacted by Congress to address healthcare reform, administrative simplification and patient healthcare information privacy & security issues. All individuals who are exposed to protected health information in the course of their employment or educational requirements are mandated by this regulation to obtain a basic HIPAA awareness training.

  • College of Professional Advancement Student Orientation Course

    An orientation to instructional technology tools and course delivery methods at the College of Professional Advancement.

  • Mercer University Library Research Resources

    The Mercer University Library Instruction Program has been developed with the primary goal of teaching Mercerians information skills that will last a lifetime.

  • MUSM Diversity Resources

    Welcome to the MUSM Diversity Information Home Here is where you can find all the information you need about upcoming events, links to resources, our strategic plan and much more!

  • APA

    Upon successful completion of this module, the student will be able to: Define plagiarism and how it impacts the credibility of work. Successfully paraphrase outside sources used in their work. Create appropriately formatted in-text citations consistent with APA guidelines. Produce a list of sources that reflects paraphrased work and in-text citations and is consistent with APA guidelines. Use information responsibly and ethically.

  • Spanish Chatroom

    Created to allow users to Sign-Up with others for Chat 1. Select your level 2. Create a thread 3. Include your name, contact information, hours of availability, and conversation topics 4. Check the folder with upper levels to see who you can chat with 5. Reply to the thread of the person you like 6. Set appointment and get talking!!!

  • Student Council MUSM

    MUSM Student Council Resources
